Interaction - Bachelors


This project was created to raise awareness of safe driving among young drivers who are in the age group with high traffic accident rates. The poster tells the story of the dangers of distracted driving. People can interact with posters and be offered a life-like experience while conveying the message more clearly.

What is the idea?

The prototype is designed to allow people to interact with posters and see content through a new and fun approach. It is not a delivery method for existing public campaigns. People can get 2D animations in an augmented reality (AR) experience. After scanning the poster, 2D animation automatically overlaps and plays on the poster. The critical interactive concept of this design is for people to be interested and deliver campaign content more effectively through a new and fun approach rather than a traditional public campaign delivery method.

Summary of technical elements/interactivity

People can experience the poster, and when you install an app called ‘Artivive’ and scan an actual poster, 2D animation and text automatically appear on the sign. This allows people to have an exciting AR experience. There are several techniques and methods involved in this. First, This is created flat animation-style images using an app called Procreator. Secondly, This is used an illustrator program to find the part that needed motion graphics, edit them in different layers, and save them. The effect of the animation scene I wanted to create using the After Effect app was applied to each layer to put it in motion. After that, captions were added. I used the ‘Artivive’ app to upload an animation file on top of the 2D poster and then made an AR poster by modifying the composition and size.

Sora Jang

She has experience designing UIs for websites and mobile apps and UX for better user interaction with digital experiences. Also, She has experience working as a graphic designer to make promotional flyers and poster designs. She looks forward to working and learning experiences designing interactive services and products.