Interaction - Bachelors

SELF – Creative Music Website

‘SELF’ is a digital interactive experience that caters and appreciates the creativity and production of music. This concept allows people to explore their creativity through music and artwork with an interaction simple enough for anyone to understand. In developing ‘SELF’, its developed to be a platform/website that lays the foundation down to the concept of music production with a simple user interface.

Image of website mockup. Mockup is of Mac computer. Displays main interaction of the website.
Image of website mockup. Mockup is of iPad. Displays main interaction of the website.

Music Made Simple with SELF

In its core, ‘SELF’ is a simple user interface on a website that can be interacted with via smart touch-screen devices and computers. Combining both visual and audio elements, ‘SELF’ develops user creativity and an understanding of simple music concepts.


For coding, the source-code editor ‘Visual Studio Code’ was used. Within the program, languages such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, p5js and jQuery were used in the development of the interface. FL Studio was the program used for music production. In terms of graphic design, art and animation, the Adobe Creative Suite was used. This included Adobe Photoship, Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Animate.

Photo of the program FL Studio.
User interacting with interface via touch screen device.

Miguel Bello

Miguel is a creative UX designer, web developer and music producer who continues to pursue his passion of developing his own projects. As inspired by others, Miguel seeks to put forward his ideas in response to a better future.