Interaction - Bachelors

Sketch Lab

trophy Awarded

Sketch Lab is a multi-sensory, immersive beat-making experience. It delivers a playful and novel approach to the brief of 'Ludic' design, empowering its' participants to use their body to create, layer and loop audio and visual elements. This project was inspired by my love of creating and sharing electronic music, and it is my desire to allow others, regardless of ability, to generate unique and playful audio and visual outputs.

Sketch Lab

An immersive music-maker for the eyes, ears & body

what is sketch lab?

Sketch Lab is an immersive, multi-sensory experience which prompts participants of all ages with any or no musical knowledge to create playful and entertaining visual and auditory outputs. Using a Kinect body tracking camera, the participant can touch augmented elements in the space projected in front of them to trigger various sound sequences and visual animations. Touch Designer powers the connections between the Kinect, and the music production software Ableton, which has many ‘clips’ loaded with music which I have produced. By moving different parts of the body within the play space, the participant can manipulate and ‘remix’ what they are seeing and hearing.

Image of person raising hand to interact with screen


The main pieces of software I used to create this experience were Touch Designer, Ableton and Touch OSC. A Kinect motion tracking camera was also used to map the body movements. This data was fed into Touch Designer to create this level of physical interaction.

Jaime Forson

Jaime is an emerging creative technologist and interaction designer based in Brisbane. She is exploring immersive technologies fused with inputs such as sound production, movement and data to create playful, multi-sensory interactive experiences.