Interaction - Bachelors

Treasure HuntAR

Treasure HuntAR is an Augmented Reality treasure hunt game designed for a younger audience as a method of introduction to the technology. The game is simple, highly repetitive, and involves simple puzzles to complete the experience.

Concept Overview


Treasure HuntAR is an interactive, Augmented Reality treasure hunting game that has users explore the space around them for treasure. It is designed to serve as an introduction to the world of augmented reality. This app serves as a culmination of all my learnings and the building of skills gained during this process, producing a professional interaction that acts as an introduction of me to the world of design. The app involves simple interactions for a younger audience, with the explicit goal of creating a Ludic design. The game is highly repetitive, with a unique experience with every new session.

Original Concept

My original concept that I wanted to improve on was the idea of an AR wayfinding app that would help people experience the world around them. This is usually done via Google Maps, which while convenient, disconnects the user from the world around them. Augmented Reality technologies do not have this issue, allowing for the digital information to be applied to the real world. This isn’t a relatively new concept; AR wayfinding is making its way into vehicle GPS systems and even google has implemented a version of this. I decided not to follow this project for two reasons:
1. The scope of the project was way too big for the time allotted and,
2. It did not fit with the theme of Ludic design as set out for the exhibition.


Google ARCore Tools

I knew I wanted to design something in AR, but I was not sure as to what I wanted to make. After some exploration, I found that ARCore, a development tool built by Google, has a set of applications built within the system that have been posted to the Play Store and the App Store. One of these apps is designed as a filter app, showing off the incredible capabilities of the software. The other, is an application describing the different design considerations involved in creating and augmented reality experience as shown in the images above and below. This covers all bases from space and scope to multiplayer interactivity. One thing that stood out to however, is the use of having objects hidden behind other objects in the world. this had ignited a new concept of an AR treasure hunt, and thus, Treasure HuntAR had begun development.

Figma Prototype

SparkAR Logo on Black Background

SparkAR vs ARCore

I had decided to look into the tools available to develop augmented reality interactions. The main two software I was looking at for developing the application was either ARCore, or Meta’s SparkAR tool used for developing filters and experiences for Facebook and Instagram. I had decided to use SparkAR as I had previous experience with the software, but I will note some of the tools that Google’s ARCore gave were very useful in determining my design from here.

As I stated earlier, SparkAR is a tool for designing filters and experiences for use in Facebook and Instagram, and I had decided to use it due to having previous experience. So, what is SparkAR like? How do you use it? Well, SparkAR as a program has two main windows on launch of a new project. The first window is the world space window where all of your objects such as camera, lighting, and imported objects all appear for you to manipulate. The second window is the simulator, where you can test your experience in a vacuum environment.

In order to have your objects interact with the user, we need to code them to do so, there are two methods to do this, the first is you can do scripting with Javascript for those more experienced in the matter. This is a lengthy process but a lot more robust. The second method, and the one I worked with is the Patch editor. Patches are functions of code in a visual block that interact with other blocks through connecting wires.

Screenshot of blank project on Spark A R.

3D Modelling

Treasure chest created in Inventor

Inventor Modelling

A recent addition to my skills list was 3D modelling using Autodesk Inventor. Before embarking on this journey, I had taken the time to learn the software through a LinkedIn Learning course and had wanted to use this new skillset in my project. I had created a model for the chest and shelf used in the building stages of my project. While I was proud of my work, there was some issues when it came time to texture the models in SparkAR, so with this issue and in the name of polishing up the prototype, I had decided to pull objects from SparkAR’s asset library, all of which are free to use under Creative Commons Attributions.

Final Project Overview

Chest On Screen
Treasure HuntAR is a game based on finding treasures around the world, now these won’t just reveal themselves to you, you have to find them. Don’t worry though, you have the perfect tool to find them already, your phone! Simply scan in and get to searching. To interact with the treasures, just tap on them. Find them all! The game is highly repeatable, and every playthrough is unique as the chest spawns are randomly generated.

Final Thoughts


During the design process I had explored many areas. From refining and exploring areas I have experience throughout the course of learning as an Interaction Designer, such as creating a professional UI. To exploring other areas as an independent designer, doing 3D modelling and texturing. I had a great chance to explore a rather under-developed technology further than on a base level and am really impressed with the outcome all things considered.

Improvements and Changes

One of the bigger improvements I would do if I were to design this game further would be to use a different platform for designing the app. On top of being a Meta application, SparkAR is a tool for creating filters and simple effects which is not ideal for creating a full-fledged game. During early concepts I had explored Google’s ARCore, but due to the complexity and the necessity for multiple different software, I had decided to shift to SparkAR. There were good reasons for this; SparkAR is a patch-based coder so a lot of the effort in the coding turns into making a puzzle rather than typing out thousands of lines of code. Another reason for using SparkAR over ARCore is the fact that I already had experience using the software, not to this extent but enough to select it over the later. After careful deliberation, I had decided to remove the texture tracker feature all together. It’s intended use was to define different levels, but due to size restrictions and no current plans to make more levels, this feature has been scrapped. It was an unnecessary steep needed to continue the game.

Another improvement that would come from transferring to a different software would be to create a full environment, not quite to the level of fully replacing the world around us. This would involve placing environment models to further secure the environment. On top of adding a proper environment, I would also create more unique interactions, such as pinching to resize and object or swiping to shift the state of an object like flipping the switch of a lever.

Resizing an Object

Flipping a switch

Q R Code to play the game when scanned


Feel free to try the experience yourself by scanning this QR code!

Process video

Baeddan Davies

Baeddan Davies is an Interaction Designer currently completing a double degree in Design and Engineering. Originally, his goal was to find a way to compliment his engineering with knowledge gained from the design degree. However, as he studied more and more, the more he loved working as an Interaction Designer.